My Work And My Art

This website is a parody of Wikipedia®

This is me!

I do a whole lot of STUFF, I'm talking: art, programming, music... I also fix broken Sony Walkmans as a hobby. Whatever seems cool I will give it a try honestly.

Right now I'm mainly focusing on a startup I co-founded called Moxious, in which we sell a productivity tool leveraging AI.

So yeah, overall I just love creating and I consider myself an ArtScientist, you might be asking yourself what that is and the simplest explanation is that ArtScience is a way of approaching art.

I am currently a student at KABK studying ArtScience and it's great!

Personal Projects


Corruption Example

Back in 2022 I edited a collection a photos using a not so orthodox method, the original project, called SELF, was for a highschool class but later on I reworked some of it's aspects and renamed it to corruption.
I started by converting images into .raw files with the colour layers being non-interlaced and then importing them into Audacity as .raw audio file I could edit them with audio effects.
By doing this I also found a lot of interesting situations in which auditory effects provided the same effect in image, for example applying an echo to the red channel of the image created red repetitions of the image in areas with little to no red, in hindsight it was obvious that it would work like that but it was nevertheless an interesting outcome in this strange medium.


Frame From SoundPrints Video Sequence

This was my Final Major Project for my course in Creative Practices I took at UCA Farnham back in 2022/2023.
It consisted of an adverserial neural network trained with a dataset of .midi files I converted into images by rendering them out as black and white 'piano rolls' with the notes being just a single pixel so the training of the GAN faster. I then would have people scan their fingerprints to use as the data points to seed new image generation by then converting the midi 'piano roll' image back into midi I coul play it as sound file using a virtual instrument.
The program was running while an animation played that created an artistic narrative of a radio broadcast being decrypted 30 years after being received and it being the intructions for a holistic sound generator.





Faz-te Homem


3D Modelling


Prefrontal Cortex Leasing


Professional Projects

